Monday, October 1, 2018

A Trump Supporter Comes Out - Even When Family Attacks Her

These are close friends of mine who are "coming out" as Trump supporters because they are tired of being called "racist" by liberals. Listen to their testimony and share it far and wide. This is what courage looks like. Her own sister-in-law, a black woman, is trying to turn her boys against her, their aunt, for being a Trump supporter. Where have I heard that before? She's not backing down. Why? Because she's on the side of truth.

Hi everyone. I posted about a month ago and wanted to do an update. I've kept my support for President Trump quiet because of the liberal non-profit work environment. I had to "come out" after this disgusting travesty with Judge Kavanaugh. I posted to following on Facebook: As the mother of sons, and the grandmother of grandsons, I am extremely concerned about false allegations by women. 
I worked in domestic violence and sexual assault for over 25 years. I worked with both "victims" and "perpetrators". I have heard thousands of stories. Trust me, women do lie. I've lied in my life (not in the criminal justice system) in order to make myself look like the victim of a relationship where we both were responsible for the bad behavior. Part of my recovery, working the 4th step, was owning my own bad behavior and choices. I've seen stories fall apart in court, but there is never any consequence to the woman for making false charges. I worked with men coming out of prison, and have had to vouch for them with their probation officer, when their ex would file a report that he assaulted them and surprise, he was in the halfway house at the alleged time. This was not an uncommon occurrence. Women would actually try to get them sent back to prison out of revenge. I worked with "batterers" for 6 years. Men had stories, and scars, from mutual combat. 
Ladies, if you resort to verbal abuse, throwing things, and physical assault when you are mad, you are an abuser! Our gender does not exclude us from the label. The inability to recognize this is the reason I left the battered women's movement. When I worked at the Domestic Abuse Project, I had men in group who were actually abiding by the no contact order, and the woman would show up to the therapy group in order to confront him and fight. I had to call the police a couple times, and was called a bitch and threatened because I told her she had to leave. One woman was waiting in the parking lot to beat me up. I had to run back into the building and call the cops. I also have had many intakes with men who have admitted they were sexually abused as WOMEN! When people quote statistics remember, men do not report. The guys that told me about having sex with an adult woman when they were 8 or 9 didn't identify it as sexual assault. 
My greatest fear in life was that my boys would be falsely accused, and I've had to walk through that horrific experience. Let's not forget, the bulk of the lynchings of black men were because of false allegations of rape by white women. We can go all the way back in the Bible to the story of Joseph. He went to prison based on the false allegation of rape by Potiphor's wife. This is an age old story. So maybe we can step back from all the hysteria, keep an open mind, and listen to the evidence.....or lack thereof!
I've been blasted and unfriended by many in the battered women's movement, for daring to speak a truth. All my years of helping people in the community thrown away like they never happened. So I decided to go all out and vocalize my support and love for President Trump. My husband and I have signed up to volunteer for the Jeff Johnson for Governor campaign in MN. This has lit a fire in us, and we're planning to have fun with it. My husband posted our pictures and "Riding the Trump train" on his profile. MAGA!!