Thursday, November 1, 2018

What birthright citizenship for illegals really means for America.

What continuing to allow birthright citizenship for illegals really means for the future of America. By the numbers.
A new study shows that one in 4 of children living in the United States, 20 million, in 2016, had at least one parent who was born OUTSIDE the United States. 25% of those children live in California. Another 25% live in New York, Texas and Florida. So HALF the children in the US born to parents who came here from other countries live in California, Texas, New York and Florida.
Roughly 10 million children, living in California, New York, Texas and Florida, were born to at least one parent who was not born in America. 89 percent of these children are now citizens of the U.S. itself. One third of those children are covered under either Medicaid or the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP).
Most of those illegal families receive some other kind of welfare assistance through their children - including housing, food stamps, daycare and cash assistance. American taxpayers subsidize the families of babies born to illegal aliens to the tune of roughly $300 billion a year. Every dollar spent on an illegal alien is a dollar not available to American citizens and legal immigrants living in poverty or in need.
In 2016, American women aborted 700,000 fetuses - cheered on by Planned Parenthood. Meanwhile, illegals gave birth to 300,000 babies - for free in American hospital emergency rooms and "birthing centers." The Democrats want the taxpayer to fund both. What a sweet deal. Get Republican taxpayers to pay for the replacement population that will vote Democrat against them.
Women from Communist China pay "birth tourism" operators from $40,000 to $80,000 to come to the US to deliver their made-in-America babies. Birth tourism is a huge industry in New York and California to breed future Democrat voters through tourist visa fraud and chain migration. Pregnant women travel to the United States, usually on tourist visas, so that their children will be born US citizens. At least 500 companies offer "birth tourism" services in China. While there are no official statistics, the number of Communist Chinese citizens heading to the USA to give birth is over 100,000 each year.
80% of girls and women who are smuggled across the U.S. border by human traffickers and drug cartels are raped on the way here. Many give birth to anchor babies. An entire generation of children fathered by criminals and gangsters.
Is this the America we hope to become?