Saturday, August 25, 2018

Border Wall Lies

We already have nearly 700 miles of "wall" on our Southern border built by Clinton, Bush and Obama. Why are people such sheep? Why do people believe the fake news media when they say the border wall is somehow a "new concept" and RACIST under President Trump?
Clinton, Bush and Obama all built walls along our Southern border to keep out drugs, gangs, criminals and illegals. This is nothing new. Some 700 miles of wall have already been built along our 1,900 mile southern border, much of it during Barack Obama's presidency, as part of the Secure Fence Act of 2006, which was signed by George W. Bush. If you don't believe me, look it up on Wikipedia or see the ABC news article in comments!
Look at it. That crappy wall has reduced illegal crossings by 90%. Imagine what a REAL wall could do. Who wants that in their backyard? Do you? It's time to make America safe again and stop listening to the liars in the media who want to destroy us all for votes and cheap labor.
THE IGNORANCE AND BRAIN WASHING IS MIND BOGGLING. Even if people hate Trump, don't they love their children? Don't they want to leave a safe America for their children and grandchildren?

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