Monday, June 4, 2018

Why Are We Not Treating Estrogen In Water Supply? It Causes Cancer & Gender Dysmorphia.

A huge genetic study now says chemotherapy doesn't help women with early-stage breast cancer. Most women don’t need treatment beyond surgery and hormone therapy. Right now, some 70,000 women are year undergo needless, harmful and expensive chemotherapy. The breast cancer study focused on cases where chemo’s value increasingly is in doubt: women with early-stage disease that has not spread to lymph nodes and is hormone-positive (caused by estrogen and progesterone.)
Cancer care has been evolving away from chemotherapy — older drugs with harsh side effects — in favor of gene-targeting therapies, hormone blockers and immune system treatments. When chemo is used now, it’s sometimes for shorter periods or lower doses than it once was.
Here's my question. Many scientists believe that breast cancer in women and prostate cancer in men has skyrocketed since the 70's, and men have become more feminized, due to estrogen in contraceptives and replacement therapy and their resulting infiltration of our water and food through urine and disposal. Every time a woman takes a birth control pill or a hormone replacement pill or a transgender is treated with hormones, it goes right into our water supply. Since we know that hormones are causing cancer and gender dysmorphia, why are we recommending hormone therapy to the afflicted? Why aren't we educating the public and treating our water supplies? Seems counterintuitive.,-big-study-finds

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