Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Must-See Movie to Reverse Communist Brainwashing: Death of a Nation by Dinesh D'Souza

One of my true heroes is the Indian-American filmmaker Dinesh D'Souza. He was born in Bombay and came to the United States as an exchange student and graduated from Dartmouth College in 1983. He became a naturalized citizen in 1991. He was President of King's College, a Christian School in New York City, from 2010 to 2012. He was a policy analyst for President Reagan and a fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and the Hoover Institution at Stanford University.
In recent years, he has written books and produced films critical of Obama and Hillary Clinton. In 2012, he released his film "Obama's America" - a documentary about Obama. It was the second highest grossing political documentary style film produced in the United States.
What did that get him? 8 months in prison and five years probation by the Obama Administration for a political donation that should have cost him a fine. Why? To silence him. To shut him up.
Dinesh was the subject of a political persecution because of his conservative political views. He's a powerful voice for Freedom, which is why they hate him and try to silence him. This is why President Trump pardoned him. This is why Dinesh is one of my heroes. He speaks the truth even if it means he must stand alone.
Dinesh D'Souza's new documentary "Death of a Nation" should be standard viewing for every high school and college student in America. Parents, please take your children to this important movie. Make it a family affair. Or take a friend!
Dinesh married a woman from Venezuela, now collapsing from Socialist rule, so he understands the Socialist and Communist threat very well. Dinesh was born in India, considered the most racist country in the world, with a brutal caste system where the poor can never advance, and are considered lesser people, so he understands racism very well. That's why he loves America so.
Go see the movie. It will change your life. It destroys the Communist propaganda that has been brainwashing America for 100 years. The truth shall set you free!

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