Saturday, August 18, 2018

Violent Communism on Deck in America

A few weeks ago, a member of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) wrote an article for Vox explaining the movement’s goals – to end capitalism and radically change America. DSA is just today's politically correct term for the COMMUNIST Party.
"In the long run, Democratic Socialists want to end capitalism. Socialist reforms like Medicare-for-all are part of the long, uneven process of building that support and eventually overthrowing capitalism."
Not by a peaceful means.
The writer works for a magazine called "Jacobin." The Jacobins were the most violent and radical political group of the French Revolution during the period called the Reign of Terror. Led by Maximilien Robespierre, they executed anyone their so-called Committee of Public Safety deemed insufficiently loyal.
The Jacobin clubs were used as a secret police force to root out dissent among politicians and the general populace alike. Almost 40,000 people were killed under the Jacobin control of the French government. Many were beheaded by guillotine in a grotesque public spectacle after a show trial, and others were brutally executed with firearms. In the case of one period in the city of Lyon, people were executed en masse by cannon fire.
In one instance, a woman was charged with the heinous crime of having wept at the execution of her husband. She was condemned to sit several hours under the suspended blade which shed upon her, drop by drop, the blood of the deceased whose corpse was above her on the scaffold before she was released by death from her agony.
Make no mistake: This is the history of violent revolution, religious oppression, and dictatorship that Jacobin magazine, the DSA, and opportunistic Democrats are embracing – whether they know it or not. Senator Sanders, and more have recently shared articles from Jacobin magazine on their social media accounts. Representative Keith Ellison once sent a Jacobin piece to everyone in Congress.
The Democrat Socialists want Communism in America. The Democrat Socialists want civil war to accomplish that. Never ever give up your guns.
-Excerpts taken from a Newt Gingrich editorial

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