Saturday, August 25, 2018

The Power Of Big Tech To Shift Votes To Left

Big tech has the power to shift 12 million votes to the left in mid-terms due to Google’s dominance of the Internet search market. People are only allowed to see what Google, Facebook, Twitter and the Globalists (Communists) want them to see.
“Who on earth gave these companies — Google, Facebook, and Twitter — and the executives at these companies, the power to decide what 2.5 billion people around the world get to see or don’t see? As it happens, 90 percent of search around the world is conducted on just one search engine, Google. There’s never been a precedent for anything like this, ever. You’ve got one company that’s controlling minds around the world."
"As we approach the midterms, they’re tightening the noose on conservative media in ways that are not even quantitative. Censoring and banning conservatives, calling news stories spam and in violation of arbitrary rules. Is democracy dead? When Silicon Valley and the media have this kind of power, then democracy really is an illusion. I calculate that these companies will be able to shift upwards of 12 million votes in November with no one knowing that they’re doing so and without leaving a paper trail for authorities to trace.”
For example: “If on election day of 2016, if Mark Zuckerberg had chosen to send out what we call a ‘targeted message,’ a message saying, ‘Go out and vote,’ that went only to supporters of Hillary Clinton, no one would have known that was being done. No one would have known that the message was going only to supporters of Hillary Clinton, and it would have given her an additional 450,000 votes.”
There, my friends, is the real collusion.

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