Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Does Democrats' October Surprise Include An Aylan Kurdi? I Pray Not.

With 10,000 Hondurans approaching our Southern border, the Democrats' October surprise just in time for mid-terms, let us pray that America doesn't have an Aylan Kurdi moment. Let's hope the Democrats don't sacrifice a child for the cameras to open the borders wide, like Europe did. 
Aylan was the three year old Syrian boy whose body was photographed, on a Turkish beach, after he drowned supposedly trying to make it to Europe with his family in 2015.
The whole of Europe reacted with horror and guilt. Angela Merkel used the emotional moment as an excuse to significantly increase Islamic migration into Germany and Sweden. Facts did not matter. Emotion, combined with guilt, opened the borders wide, and triggered the flow of millions of migrants, mostly young men, into Europe (versus the "families" narrative we saw on TV.)
The facts behind that picture were quite different. The Syrian boy's father was not an asylum seeker. He was gainfully employed in Turkey and had no reason to leave. They had lived there 3 years, had $5,000 in savings and lived in an apartment paid for by a sister in Canada.
They obviously did not get very far because the boy was photographed on a Turkish beach. Critics believe the photograph was staged. The father declared he saw his family drown in front of his eyes and then later stated he looked for them lost on the beach. His story had many holes. But the photo changed Europe forever. Europe is doomed. It will never recover.
Never underestimate the power of a single horrific event, doctored narrative or frothy emotional appeal to change the world forever. Never underestimate what one unhinged party will do to regain power. Never underestimate evil. Pray.