Monday, April 16, 2018

Another School Walkout Planned for Friday, April 20.

REMINDER: The gun grabbing Commies plan another School Walkout on this Friday, April 20th. THEY ARE PUSHING FOR THE KIDS TO WALKOUT FOR THE ENTIRE DAY FROM 10 AM ON. DO NOT LET IT HAPPEN AGAIN IN YOUR SCHOOL.
Your children CANNOT be punished for refusing to leave class or forced to participate in an event designed to strip our Constitutional rights. JUST SAY NO. You have time to make your voices heard, ORGANIZE IN YOUR COMMUNITY and remove your child from harm.
Also, I highly recommend that parents send letters to the schools, letters to their Congressmen, letters to the editor, and be present to videotape and monitor the Walkouts in their schools. Let the administration know you are not blind to their bias and attempts to repeal our second amendment. Public schools are taxpayer funded. By all taxpayers. Not just liberal ones. They should never use your children for political expediency.
April 20, 2018: National High School Walkout:
The plan calls for high school students to walk out on April 20, the 19th anniversary of the Columbine shooting, from at 10:00 a.m. local time until the end of the school day. Check their website for the walkouts planned near you.

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